
In the context of political correctness, we can also discuss the bullying to which some countries and populations are subjected, about the individual one. The problem of the toilet in the yard can be approached also from this perspective of bullying and public shame, not only as an economic indicator. The fact that the evolution of the development of countries is measured in relation to the number of households or people who still have a toilet in the yard has become a discriminating factor for populations in less developed countries, causing demoralization of citizens in countries with most rural. We often find in the media and social media formulations that mark the equality between shame, poverty, lack of civilization and the toilet in the yard. However, in countries such as Romania, Bulgaria or other countries in Southeast Europe, not only the poverty or lack of development of sewerage and water supply infrastructure have maintained the toilet in the yard, but the tradition. In the traditional rural communities, in Romania, one can observe a degree of reluctance towards the transition to the sewerage and running water supply system, on the one hand, due to the lack of autonomy that such a connection to networks, and on the other hand, we even notice a predilection for choosing the traditional toilet, placed outside the home, for reasons of hygiene, saving resources, neighbouring the principles of the green economy to which we are heading today, through the Green Deal. Most people who keep the toilet outdoor, even after connecting to the water supply and sewerage networks or after building toilets inside the house, motivate the choice by the fact that it is cleaner, more hygienic, more economical, and safer, in case something can happen to the toilet inside the house or to the sewer system. Thus, pushing, bullying and public shaming do not affect those who keep their toilet outside out of conviction, not because they would not have other hygiene solutions. In other words, measuring the degree of poverty and civilization by the number of toilets in the yard is a false clue, but it stilll remains a matter of bullyng.

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