
It is a challenging task to work with traumatized clients, as they may present an exigent history. Post-traumatic stress disorder is one of the very common distress experienced by clients who have very recently undergone some major negative life changes in the form of death of a family member or close friend, faced a near to death experience, confronted an accidental sight. Their personal traumatic narratives are loaded with such difficult and throbbing accounts that can change their individuality and self, leading to psychological scars and injuries. To recover from such troubles and disturbances, clients might need therapies to compensate for the traumatic event. In this process, health professionals are at a higher risk of developing complex counter transference reactions (CTR’s). In this review, we present the major challenges experienced by the health care professionals who are constantly involved with clients having a traumatic history including post-traumatic psychological disorder, natural disaster, death, and bereavement social upheaval, etc.

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