
Stunting is a condition of failure to grow due to lack of nutrition over a long period of time. Another causal factor is the lack of monitoring and evaluation of family health practices as well as the mother's lack of knowledge regarding stunting prevention, causing stunting to still be a health problem in Indonesia. This activity aims to socialize the symptoms, causes, impacts and prevention of stunting to mothers at Posyandu Harapan Nusa. Health promotion will be held on Tuesday 10 October 2023, at 09.30-12.00 WITA. The health promotion method used is lectures with pretest and posttest evaluations using leaflets. The leaflet material contains the definition of stunting, signs and symptoms, causes, impacts and ways to prevent stunting. The results of the post-test conducted on 15 participants showed an increase from the pretest with an average of 74.67% to 89.33%. Based on this data, it shows that there was an increase in understanding after providing the material by 14.66%. This activity is expected to increase the knowledge of the mothers of the Harapan Nusa Banjarmasin posyandu group who can also become cadres to convey information about stunting. This activity is very important and is needed by the community to increase knowledge in an effort to reduce stunting rates, especially in the Banjarmasin area.

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