
This study aims to present an overview of the clinical experience of the counseling service "Sportello Studenti". The service offers free diagnostic and therapeutic psychological assistance to all Tor Vergata University of Rome students. Preliminary findings on the prevalence of anxious, depressive, and prodromal symptoms in a subset of participants recruited during the initial three-year period of the service's operation (2019-2022) are presented. Beck's Depression Inventory II (BDI-II), Symptom Checklist-90-Revised (SCL-90-R), Prodromal Questionnaire 16 (PQ-16) and Aberrant Salience Inventory (ASI) have been used to investigate principle psychopathological dimensions. 261 students aged 18 to 35 completed the assessment (180 female - 69%). Mild widespread depressive symptoms (35.5%) and mild to severe suicide ideation (5.1%) were highlighted. Ninety students (37.2%) result at a higher risk condition for psychosis. A significant statistical correlation between negative psychopathological indicators, such as suicidal thoughts and age, suggests that younger students exhibit higher susceptibility and vulnerability to mental health issues. The increasing prevalence of distress among young individuals represents an urgent public health concern that necessitates immediate intervention. It is crucial for countries to adopt a comprehensive approach to promoting psychological and mental health. University counseling services serve as an effective initial intervention to address the negative impact of mental illness on academic performance, social interactions, and emotional well-being in young individuals. They also play a pivotal role in the early identification of individuals at risk of developing severe psychiatric disorders. Sportello Studenti has proven to be a valuable initiative addressing the mental health needs of University of Tor Vergata students, underscoring the significance of promoting psychological well-being.

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