
Counsel Sandeep Pannar forAnnaSmaill Lookingtoward offdanger,I browsetheeighthflooroftheNew YorkLibrary forsome compositerite, a wrist-length ofredthread, éblouissements toblindintervening shadows. * Itisgoodlucktodream ofyourwedding day, tofeeda catfrom an oldshoe(solongas thecatdoesnotsneeze). Do notmarry a manborninthesamemonth as you, oreatwhile dressing. Tearyourveil(atthealtarbyaccident). Wearearrings. Notpearls.Carry salt.Drinkwater. Beware a woman carrying an empty bucket. Turnawayfrom themothers ofstillborn sons,monks, pigsand lizards. Undernocircumstances should youmarry ona Tuesday. Or Thursday. Andonceyoustart from home, don'tdaretolookback. * How tocointhefinest and mostsingularantidote- todance againstpossiblerisk? FromPR6003.U64 - thefair-weather lesbiansofDorothyBussy'sOliviatotheDiaryofVirginia Woolf: 1915-1919[PR6045.072] we plungestraight intoLilythe"simple-hearted" servant, herindiscretions. A marriedMiss Stephenkeeps schtuminhertremorous floralstwosizes toobig. ZigzaggingtoPR4863.A33 TheLetters ofCharles andMaryLamb: "Your goose foundherway intoourlarderwithinfinite discretion. Judging byherGibletswhichwe have sacrificed first, she is a mostsensibleBird." [C.L. toJohnRickman, 30 December1816] AtPR4231.A43: Robert Browning andElizabeth Barrett: TheCourtship Correspondence Nuances oflove and outrageelongatea shortenedlife. I drift towardsone leaningoversizeWandering oftheSoul [PJ1551.E3]; Egyptianpapyritransmuted intospellsforsafepassage intheafterlife. "Do notstoptoplay draughtswiththedead lestyoube trappedforeternity." To theBrothers Grimm[PT921.K56] Three women turned intoidentical flowers inafield. Onlyonereturned home every night. Atdawnshesaidtoherhusband: "Ifyoucomethismorning andpickme,I shallbesetfree andstaywith youforever." Imperative chance. He chosecorrectly. * Dearestone,theriddleofmarriageadmitsno luck. Whatitrecognisesis pureitfiresthedew fromsleepinggrasses. Onlyknowthathe willnoterr(and norwillyou) wherelove has paused inan evening'ssilencetolighttheunlitroad. Sandeep Parmarreceived an MAincreative writing (poetry) from theUniversity ofEastAnglia anda PhD inEnglish literature from University CollegeLondon. Sheiscurrently editing TheCollected Poemsof HopeMirrlees, forthcoming from Carcanet in2011,and researching atNewnham College, Cambridge, as a Member ofHigh Table, whereshealsodoes some teaching. Shelectures atthe University ofHertfordshire, Open University, and is a reviews editor for The Wolf poetry magazine.Her poetry appearsinVoice Recognition: 21Poetsfor the 21stCentury (2009)andin various UKand USmagazines. November- December 2010 135 ...

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