
The deputies of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe met in Strasbourg from March 16 through 19, 1953, under the chairmanship of Peter W. Scarlett (United Kingdom) and gave preliminary consideration to suggested revisions of the Council of Europe Statute designed to strengthen the Council and to facilitate liaison with proposed or existing European communities. The International Civil Aviation Organization was invited to convene a conference of European states — both members and non-members of ICAO — to examine the questions of more effective operation of airlines and methods of improving cooperation in this field. The deputies transmitted to the Consultative Assembly a memorandum submitted by the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade on the problem of reducing tariffs. Other measures approved included: 1) cooperative arrangements between the Council of Europe and the Berne International Office for the Protection of Industrial Property; 2) a decision to convene a committee of governmental experts to examine recommendations for a European convention on extradition; and 3) the draft Convention on Medical and Social Assistance and a protocol extending the convention to refugees; and 4) draft rules for the establishment of relations with nongovernmental organizations.

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