
The Hamiltonian for an arbitrary Coulomb three-body system is written in closed form in terms of nine generators of three independent o~2,1! algebras and its six physical parameters ~i.e., three masses and three charges!. Moreover, it is shown that such a Hamiltonian can also be written in the second quantized form by using six pairs of creation and annihilation ~boson! operators. The obtained finite-term representation of the Coulomb three-body Hamiltonian in the second quantized form is exact, i.e., it is not based on any approximation. In particular, this means that the original Coulomb three-body problem can be reduced to the equivalent problem of three interacting, complex ~i.e., charged! boson fields. The developed procedure opens new avenues in obtaining analytical and semianalytical ~or highly accurate! solutions for various Coulomb threebody problems.

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