
IntroductionStudent pharmacists are in a notable wellness deficit. Pharmacy organizations are issuing statements and providing resources addressing efforts to increase student wellness. This commentary suggests that institutions refocus recruiting efforts on students with experience balancing the demands of school, wellness, and mental health. PerspectiveThe purpose of this commentary is to start the conversation on increasing efforts to recruit candidates who already possess the resilience needed to perform in pharmacy school, with a focus on former college athletes. This piece in no way suggests decreased attention on wellness programs or efforts to reduce burnout. Former student athletes, through their training, have increased experience in resilience and may be less at risk for burnout. These candidates will likely have an increased team mentality and acceptance of constructive criticism. Additionally, this is an untapped resource for candidates as only 2% of collegiate athletes pursuing professional athletic careers. Of the 140 accredited pharmacy schools, 82.9% have an undergraduate program that offers at least one National Collegiate Athletic Association sport. ImplicationsSchools of pharmacy should consider additional recruitment efforts and admissions criteria weight for former student athletes who meet the same standards as other candidates. As many pharmacy faculty direct significant effort toward the prevention of student burnout, perhaps an additional approach is to recruit students who are already capable of the expected demands. The athletic community may answer both the need for additional pharmacy recruits and provide a cohort with advanced abilities in stress management, wellness, and teamwork.

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