
Microbialite pools are dynamic, heterogenous environments with extreme physico-chemical variability in terms of temporal temperature, oxygen and salinity fluctuations. Despite this habitat being hypothesised to be an ecological trap for larvae of marine estuary-dependent fishes, late-stage larvae and early juvenile White musselcracker (Sparodon durbanensis) ubiquitously occur in these pools. This study aimed to investigate the relationship between S. durbanensis density, developmental stage, total length and the physico-chemical environment using a multiple linear regression model analysis. Moreover, it aimed to further explore the potential nursery role of these extreme habitats. All larval and early juvenile stage S. durbanensis were collected with hand nets from pools at three representative microbialite sites on the warm temperate coast of South Africa from late summer to late autumn in 2021. A total of 63 pools were sampled with a total of 57 postflexion larvae and 162 early juvenile S. durbanensis specimens collected. Pool temperatures ranged from 16.6 to 37.3 °C with a mean of 24.5 °C, dissolved oxygen concentration ranged from 5.5 to 26.0 mg/L with a mean of 13.5 mg/L, and salinity ranged from 1.3 to 34.8 with a mean of 25.4. Temperature had a significant positive relationship with total length for early juvenile stages, while none of the other predictor variables showed evidence of a significant relationship with total length. Fish density showed a significant relationship with pool volume for both developmental stages where higher densities occurred in smaller pools that were also characterised by the most extreme physico-chemical variability. Late-stage larvae and early juveniles of this marine fish, that does not use estuaries as a nursery area, appears to complete the larval phase under extreme estuarine-like conditions in microbialite pools. Microbialite pools, as well as adjacent non-microbialite rocky shore pools appear to act as a micro-refuge, possibly improving growth rates and reducing the pelagic larval duration due to warmer water temperatures after which fish move into adjacent deeper, low shore pools and gullies. Due to the extreme conditions in microbialite pools, protection from predators during transition from larval to juvenile stages is also afforded.

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