
Operating superheater tubes of biomass-fired boilers at considerably higher temperatures than can be tolerated by commonly used structural materials could improve boiler efficiency. However, corrosion of the superheater tubes promoted by interaction with the relatively low melting point deposits that accumulate on the tubes becomes a major issue. The objective of this study was to use field exposures to determine if there are materials acceptable for use as superheater tubes that can operate at temperatures at least 100 Celsius degrees above the current maximum superheater temperature. Corrosion probes containing multiple specimens of nine different alloys were exposed for at least 2000 h in the superheater area of three biomass boilers where the deposits were determined to be enriched in potassium or chlorine. Similar specimens were also exposed in a boiler co-firing coal and wood. For the probes, specimen temperatures ranged from a low of less than 400°C to temperatures above 600°C for all but one case. Following exposure, a section was taken from each specimen and examined using light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. Results of the examination of these specimens showed some alloys performed considerably better than others, but the corrosion resistance could not be related to chromium or molybdenum content of the alloys.

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