
We tested the hypothesis that grazing by bacterivorous zooplankton might suppress methanotrophic ac- tivity in small stratifi ed, humic lakes. During two series of replicated laboratory experiments, densities of methane- oxidising bacteria (MOB) in water from a small, polyhumic lake were measured in the presence of different densi- ties (range 0-200 individuals l -1 ) of a large bacterivorous cladoceran, Daphnia longispina. Grazing by Daphnia and by nanofl agellates reduced the proportion of MOB in the microbial community and the methanotrophic activity decreased signifi cantly at higher Daphnia densities. Thus, the hypothesis arising from previous fi eld observations was supported experimentally, but fi eld studies are required to quantify the infl uence of grazers on methanotrophic activity and CH4 effl uxes of lakes.

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