
Abstract Two tests were conducted to evaluate the efficacy of selected insecticides against CA in non-irrigated no-till cotton planted 5 May. Plots consisted of 4 rows (40 inch centers) X 50 ft. Treatments were arranged in a RCB design with 4 replications. No insecticides had been previously applied to the test areas. Treatments were applied to Tests 1 and 2 on 7 Jun and 13 Jun, respectively. Insecticides were applied with a tractor-mounted boom and compressed air system calibrated to deliver 10 gpa through Teejet 8001 flat fan nozzles (2/row) at 38 psi. Treatment efficacy was evaluated by sampling 10 cotton plant terminals (all apical shoot growth above and including the first fully expanded leaf) from each plot at 2 and 7 DAT in both tests. Treatments were evaluated in Test I on 9 and 14 Jun and in Test II on 15 and 20 Jun. Cotton aphids were washed from the plant foliage onto 300 mesh wire sieves, backwashed onto ruled filter paper (7 cm) and counted using a binocular dissecting scope. These plots received 0.1 and 0.9 inches rainfall on 11 and 12 Jun, respectively. Data were analyzed with ANOVA, and means were separated according to DMRT.

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