
Carbon molecular sieve (CMS) materials are a potential candidate for scalable and high-performance reverse osmosis membranes due to their impressive chemical and thermal stabilities. Moreover, they have the potential to enable impressive rejections of small neutral solutes from water based on their known ability to separate small organic molecules. CMS has been extensively examined for gas and organic solvent separations, but the transport of organic and aqueous mixtures through CMS microstructures is poorly understood. In this work, we investigated the sorption, diffusion, and permeation behavior of organic compounds and water in poly(vinylidene fluoride)(PVDF)-derived CMS (PVDF-CMS). Experimental observations of diffusion, sorption, and permeation shows how the properties of penetrants such as polarity and molecular size affect the transport rates and selectivity. These basic transport and sorption parameters are utilized in sorption-diffusion models to permeation rates of water-organic mixtures in CMS membranes. The transport of water and p-xylene in CMS was experimentally confirmed to follow the sorption-diffusion mechanism. The sorption-diffusion model ideal permselectivity indicates that the CMS is p-xylene selective over water. Water/p-xylene mixture permeation experiments revealed an increased selectivity of p-xylene over water, thus providing tentative evidence for a competitive sorption-selective separation mechanism. This work suggests that CMS membranes exhibit organic-permeable separation properties in water/organic separations. The results presented here highlight the potential for the removal of dilute organics in water via CMS pervaporation membranes.

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