
The aimof this study was to establish a low-cost alternative protocol for micropropagation ofSolanum lycopersicumL. var.cerasiforme,popularly known as cherry tomato. In the in vitroestablishment, culture mediacontaining Laboratory Reagent-grade (LR)and commercialsucrose and varied concentrations of corn starch and agarwere tested. The replacement of thermal sterilization, usingautoclave,withchemicalsterilization,adding sodium hypochlorite (2%) in the medium, was also evaluated. In the multiplication stage,the mediumwas supplemented with agar and/or corn starch and commercial sucrose.Forrooting, agrowth regulator-free medium withcommercialsucrose supplemented with agar and/or starch was used. Themicroplants were thentransplanted into plasticcontainerscontainingonlygarden substrateandsubsequentlyacclimatized in a greenhouse.The results make it possibleto conclude that the reduction of costs in the micropropagation of cherry tomatocan beobtained by replacing LRsucrose with commercial sucrose,and by the use of chemical sterilization of the culture medium withsodium hypochlorite. The replacement of agar withcorn starch can be done partially, in the stages of establishment and multiplication,and totally, during rooting

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