
With the recent emergence of public cloud offerings, surge computing -outsourcing tasks from an internal data center to a cloud provider in times of heavy load- has become more accessible to a wide range of consumers. Deciding which workloads to outsource to what cloud provider in such a setting, however, is far from trivial. The objective of this decision is to maximize the utilization of the internal data center and to minimize the cost of running the outsourced tasks in the cloud, while fulfilling the applications' quality of service constraints. We examine this optimization problem in a multi-provider hybrid cloud setting with deadline-constrained and preemptible but non-provider-migratable workloads that are characterized by memory, CPU and data transmission requirements. Linear programming is a general technique to tackle such an optimization problem. At present, it is however unclear whether this technique is suitable for the problem at hand and what the performance implications of its use are. We therefore analyze and propose a binary integer program formulation of the scheduling problem and evaluate the computational costs of this technique with respect to the problem's key parameters. We found out that this approach results in a tractable solution for scheduling applications in the public cloud, but that the same method becomes much less feasible in a hybrid cloud setting due to very high solve time variances.

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