
This research aims to design a low-cost dynamic cable lazy wave configuration at different curvature factors by adopting an integrated approach to optimally size the length of different sections of the dynamic cable accounting for maximum allowable tension, maximum allowable curvature, minimum allowable sag position and maximum allowable hog position. The research explores trade-offs associated with the increase in costs as curvature factor decreases. The configuration is subjected to Near, Far and No offset scenarios to analyse the impact on costs and its performance. The assessment includes determining configuration costs and optimal lengths at different curvature factors for each scenario. Observations reveal that the hang-off point consistently experiences the highest curvature across the arc length in all configurations and scenarios. Optimal configurations for Far scenario outperform configurations designed for No offset scenario when subjected to the remaining two scenarios. Optimal configurations of Near scenario failed to adhere to the maximum allowable curvature limit when subjected to Far and No offset scenarios. The study highlights the sensitivity of the curvature factor to the ratio of lengths of each section in the configuration. These results indicate that a configuration designed for Far offset is more likely to perform well under all scenarios due to its unique section length ratios. The results also portray the possibility of a fit configuration with lower number of buoyancy modules.

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