
Current trends in the science and practice of construction indicate the ability to control the economic means of phenomena and processes occurring in the area of investment and construction activities, towards the realization of sustainable development goals. In this regard, the subsystem of planning, funding and pricing implement the problems of resource maintenance of the building complex on the hierarchy levels, the maintenance of homeostatic equilibrium of the system, as well as measure the effectiveness and profitability of production and ensuring processes. The purpose of the article is the search for capability to determine the impact, which are the change in prices for certain types of material and technical resources or reduction of unit costs. Our results are aimed at creating a model for cost control (costs, profit) of an investment and construction project and the development of theoretical foundations of value engineering. Another result of the article is an equation with which you can simulate the effects of intensity changes of individual streams, such as pay increase under certain conditions of construction, changes in the income of an enterprises and other. The features of the article include the recording of the construction hierarchy levels at each time point which depends on the concentration of a certain amount of labor, equipment and the volume of material resources, an optimal distribution between objects and areas of activity, reducing material costs and improving productivity constant. In this case, not only an objective necessity is considered, but also crucial prerequisite for sustainable development. The use of these factors leads to a decrease in the cost of construction of the object as a result of productivity growth and is reflected in the implementation of the final price of construction products.

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