
In the spherically symmetric case the requirements of regularity of density and pressures and finiteness of the ADM mass m, together with the weak energy condition, define the family of asymptotically flat globally regular solutions to the Einstein minimally coupled equations which includes the class of metrics asymptotically de Sitter as r → 0. A source term connects smoothly de Sitter vacuum in the origin with the Minkowski vacuum at infinity and corresponds to anisotropic vacuum defined macroscopically by the algebraic structure of its stress-energy tensor which is invariant under boosts in the radial direction. Dependently on parameters, geometry describes vacuum nonsingular black holes, and self-gravitating particle-like structures whose ADM mass is related to both de Sitter vacuum trapped in the origin and smooth breaking of space-time symmetry. The geometry with the regular de Sitter center has been applied to estimate geometrical limits on sizes of fundamental particles, and to evaluate the gravito-electroweak unification scale from the measured mass-squared differences for neutrino.

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