
We perform a Fisher matrix analysis to quantify cosmological constraints obtainable from a 2-dimensional Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (SZ) cluster catalog using the counts and the angular correlation function. Three kinds of SZ survey are considered: the almost all-sky Planck survey and two deeper ground-based surveys, one with 10% sky coverage, the other one with a coverage of 250 square degrees. With the counts and angular function, and adding the constraint from the local X-ray cluster temperature function, joint 10% to 30% errors (1 sigma) are achievable on the cosmological parameter pair (sigma_8, Omega_m) in the flat concordance model. Constraints from a 2D distribution remain relatively robust to uncertainties in possible cluster gas evolution for the case of Planck. Alternatively, we examine constraints on cluster gas physics when assuming priors on the cosmological parameters (e.g., from cosmic microwave background anisotropies and SNIa data), finding a poor ability to constrain gas evolution with the 2-dimensional catalog. From just the SZ counts and angular correlation function we obtain, however, a constraint on the product between the present-day cluster gas mass fraction and the normalization of the mass-temperature relation, T_*, with a precision of 15%. This is particularly interesting because it would be based on a very large catalog and is independent of any X-ray data.

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