
Aims. The knowledge of the redshift of a lensing galaxy that produces multiple images of a background quasar is essential to any subsequent modeling, whether related to the determination of the Hubble constant H 0 or to the mass profile of the lensing galaxy. We present the results of our ongoing spectroscopic observations of gravitationally lensed quasars in order to measure the redshift of their lensing galaxies. We report on the determination of the lens redshift in seven gravitationally lensed systems. Methods. Our deep VLT/FORS1 spectra are spatially deconvolved in order to separate the spectrum of the lensing galaxies from the glare of the much brighter quasar images. Our observing strategy involves observations in Multi-Object-Spectroscopy (MOS) mode which allows the simultaneous observation of the target and of several crucial PSF and flux calibration stars. The advantage of this method over traditional long-slit observations is that it allows a much more reliable extraction and flux calibration of the spectra. Results. We obtain the first reliable spectra of the lensing galaxies in six lensed quasars: FBQ 0951+2635 ($z_{\rm lens}~$$=0.260$), BRI 0952-0115 ($z_{\rm lens}~$$=0.632$), HE 2149-2745 ($z_{\rm lens}~$$=0.603$), Q 0142-100 ($z_{\rm lens}~$$=0.491$), SDSS J0246-0825 ($z_{\rm lens}~$$=0.723$), and SDSS J0806+2006 ($z_{\rm lens}~$$=0.573$). The last three redshifts also correspond to the $\ion{Mg}{ii}$ doublet seen in absorption in the quasar spectra at the lens redshift. Our spectroscopic redshifts of HE 2149-2745 and FBQ 0951+2635 are higher than previously reported, which means that H 0 estimates from these two systems must be revised to higher values. Finally, we reanalyse the blue side of our previously published spectra of Q 1355-2257 and find $\ion{Mg}{ii}$ in absorption at $z =0.702$, confirming our previous redshift estimate. The spectra of all lenses are typical of early-type galaxies.

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