
Abstract We measured concentrations of Ne isotopes in quartz in a 27.6-m sandstone core from a low-erosion-rate site at 2183 m elevation at Beacon Heights in the Antarctic Dry Valleys. Surface concentrations of cosmogenic 21Ne indicate a surface exposure age of at least 4.1 Ma and an erosion rate no higher than ca. 14 cm Myr−1 21Ne concentrations in the upper few centimeters of the core show evidence for secondary spallogenic neutron escape effects at the rock surface, which is predicted by first-principles models of cosmogenic-nuclide production but is not commonly observed in natural examples. We used a model for 21Ne production by various mechanisms fit to the observations to distinguish cosmic-ray-produced 21Ne from nucleogenic 21Ne produced by decay of trace U and Th present in quartz, and also constrain rates of subsurface 21Ne production by cosmic-ray muons. Core samples have a quartz (U-Th)/Ne closure age, reflecting cooling below approximately 95 °C, near 160 Ma, which is consistent with existing apatite fission-track data and the 183 Ma emplacement of nearby Ferrar dolerite intrusions. Constraints on 21Ne production by muons derived from model fitting are consistent with a previously proposed value of 0.79 mb at 190 GeV for the cross-section for 21Ne production by fast muon interactions, but indicate that 21Ne production by negative muon capture is likely negligible.

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