
Cosmic multimessenger backgrounds include relic diffuse components created in the early universe and contributions from individual sources. Here, we study both type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) and core-collapse supernovae (CCSNe) contributions to the diffuse neutrino and gamma-ray backgrounds in the MeV regime referred to as DSNB and DSGB respectively. We show that the diffuse SN Ia background is 106 times lower (for ) than the CCSN background making it negligible. Our predicted DSNB flux at earth in the 19.3–32 MeV regime is 0.36 ν cm−2 s−1. We also find that the DSNB flux in the energy range from 11.3 to 32 MeV varies by +29% with a change in the SFRD model from Madau & Fragos which yielded a minimum predicted flux, to the extragalactic background light reconstruction model (maximum predicted flux). The diffuse SN Ia gamma-ray background and its dependence on the progenitor supernova delay time distribution are also evaluated. Furthermore, we address the origin of the CGB (Cosmic Gamma-ray Background) in the 0.1–7 MeV regime by adding contributions from sources such as SNe Ia, CCSNe, radio-quiet Active Galactic Nuclei, Flat spectrum radio quasars (FSRQs) and Neutron star—neutron star mergers. We find that our modeled background (including uncertainties) matches the observed CGB above 1.0 MeV, but is a factor ≈2 lower than the observed flux in the 0.1–1.0 MeV range, highlighting the need for future MeV missions to establish the CGB spectrum more reliably, and to possibly identify additional sources or even source classes in the underexplored MeV band.

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