
New measurements of the electron flux from 10 to 100 GeV were carried out with the BETS (balloon-borne electron telescope with scintillating fibers) instrument. The detector is an imaging calorimeter consisting of scintillating-fiber belts of 36 layers (each 280 mm wide) and the 8 plates of lead (each 5mm thick). Rejection of the background protons was performed at an efficiency of ∼2000 using the shower imaging capability with high granulation. The observed electron flux around a few 10 GeV is consistent with the recent results reported by the HEAT group. Comparing the flux with theoretical expectations from a diffusion model, the best fit is obtained for the model of a diffusion coefficient of 2 × 1028 (E/GeV)0.3 cm2/sec for the SN rate of once per 30 years in the Galaxy.

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