
The Princeton IQU Experiment (PIQUE) and the Cosmic Anisotropy Polarization Mapper (CAPMAP) are experiments designed to measure the polarization of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) on sub-degree scales in anareawithin1 � of theNorthCelestialPole usingheterodynecorrelationpolarimetersand off-axistelescopeslocated in central New Jersey. PIQUE produced the tightest limit on the CMB polarization prior to its detection by DASI, while CAPMAP has recently detected polarization at ‘ � 1000. The experimental methods and instrumentation for these two projects are described in detail with emphasis on the particular challenges involved in measuring the tiny polarized component of the CMB. Subject headingg cosmic microwave background — cosmology: observations — instrumentation: polarimeters Online material: color figures

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