
Leveraging the Baryon Acoustic Oscillations (BAO) feature present in clustering 2-point statistics, we aim to measure cosmological distances independently of the underlying background cosmological model. However this inference is complicated by late-time non-linearities that introduce model and tracer dependencies in the clustering correlation function and power spectrum, which must be properly accounted for. With this in mind, we introduce the "Purely-Geometric-BAO," which provides a rigorous tool to measure cosmological distances without assuming a specific background cosmology. We focus on the 2-point clustering correlation function monopole, and show how to implement such an inference scheme employing two different methodologies: the Linear Point standard ruler (LP) and correlation-function model-fitting (CF-MF). For the first time we demonstrate how, by means of the CF-MF, we can measure very precisely the sound-horizon/isotropic-volume-distance ratio, $r_{d}/D_{V}(\bar{z})$, while correctly propagating all the uncertainties. Using synthetic data, we compare the outcomes of the two methodologies, and find that the LP provides up to $50\%$ more precise measurements than the CF-MF. Finally, we test a procedure widely employed in BAO analyses: fitting the 2-point function while fixing the cosmological and the non-linear-damping parameters at fiducial values. We find that this underestimates the distance errors by nearly a factor of $2$. We thus recommend that this practice be reconsidered, whether for parameter determination or model selection.

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