
Cosmic acceleration is explained quantitatively, purely in general relativity with matter obeying the strong energy condition, as an apparent effect due to quasilocal gravitational energy differences that arise in the decoupling of bound systems from the global expansion of the universe. ‘Dark energy’ is recognized as a misidentification of those aspects of gravitational energy which by virtue of the equivalence principle cannot be localized. Matter is modelled as an inhomogeneous distribution of clusters of galaxies in bubble walls surrounding voids, as we observe. Gravitational energy differences between observers in bound systems, such as galaxies, and volume-averaged comoving locations in freely expanding space can be so large that the time dilation between the two significantly affects the parameters of any effective homogeneous isotropic model one fits to the universe. A new approach to cosmological averaging is presented, which implicitly solves the Sandage–de Vaucouleurs paradox. Comoving test particles in freely expanding space, which observe an isotropic cosmic microwave background (CMB), possess a quasilocal ‘rest’ energy E=⟨γ(τ,x)⟩mc2 on the spatial hypersurfaces of homogeneity. Here : the lower bound refers to fiducial reference observers at ‘finite infinity’, which is defined technically in relation to the demarcation scale between bound systems and expanding space. Within voids γ>1, representing the quasilocal gravitational energy of expansion and spatial curvature variations. Since all our cosmological measurements apart from the CMB involve photons exchanged between objects in bound systems, and since clocks in bound systems are largely unaffected, this is entirely consistent with observation. When combined with a non-linear scheme for cosmological evolution with back-reaction via the Buchert equations, a new observationally viable model of the universe is obtained, without ‘dark energy’. A quantitative scheme is presented for the recalibration of average cosmological parameters. It uses boundary conditions at the time of last scattering consistent with primordial inflation. The expansion age is increased, allowing more time for structure formation. The baryon density fraction obtained from primordial nucleosynthesis bounds can be significantly larger, yet consistent with primordial lithium abundance measurements. The angular scale of the first Doppler peak in the CMB anisotropy spectrum fits the new model despite an average negative spatial curvature at late epochs, resolving the anomaly associated with ellipticity in the CMB anisotropies. Non-baryonic dark matter to baryonic matter ratios of about 3:1 are typically favoured by observational tests. A number of other testable consequences are discussed, with the potential to profoundly change the whole of theoretical and observational cosmology.


  • It is a cornerstone of cosmology that the observed near exact isotropy of the cosmic microwave background radiation (CMBR), together with the assumption that our spatial location is not special – the Copernican or Cosmological Principle – leads to the conclusion that, to a reliable degree of approximation, we live in a homogeneous isotropic universe characterised by a Friedmann–Lemaıtre–Robertson–Walker (FLRW) geometry

  • In changing the naıve assumption that our measurements coincide with the volume average, we have shown that a systematic analysis accounting for both gravitational energy and spatial curvature variations can agree quantitatively with observation

  • Given that space within bound systems is not expanding the pertinent question is not: “What effect does expanding space have on bound systems?” [26]; but “How does expanding space affect local determinations of cosmological parameters within expanding regions in a way which would distinguish them from local determinations of cosmological parameters made within bound systems?” The conventional assumptions that our clocks tick at a rate equal to that of a volume–averaged comoving observer, and that the average spatial curvature we measure in galaxy clusters coincides with the volume average, are required neither by theory, principle nor observation

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It is a cornerstone of cosmology that the observed near exact isotropy of the cosmic microwave background radiation (CMBR), together with the assumption that our spatial location is not special – the Copernican or Cosmological Principle – leads to the conclusion that, to a reliable degree of approximation, we live in a homogeneous isotropic universe characterised by a Friedmann–Lemaıtre–Robertson–Walker (FLRW) geometry. In this paper I propose that the resolution of various cosmological anomalies is related to understanding why our universe is dominated by voids, and to taking the correct average of such an inhomogeneous matter distribution to obtain the smoothed. The answer put forward here has the consequence that all average cosmological parameters must be recalibrated, as we have systematically ignored the variation in quasilocal gravitational energy in the universe at late epochs in so far as it affects the rest–energy of ideal comoving observers, and the synchronisation of their clocks with respect to ours Understanding this point may make it possible to obtain a viable model of the universe, without a substantial fraction of dark energy at the present epoch. A concluding discussion is presented in §10, to which a reader without much time is referred for a summary of the main results

The Copernican Principle
Where is infinity?
The true critical density
Location of finite infinity
Gravitational energy and the definition of homogeneity
The locally synchronous gauge
The quasilocally uniformly expanding gauge
A viable model for the observable universe
Average expansion and kinematic back–reaction
The dynamical equations and observational interpretation
Volume–average and wall–average cosmological parameters
Apparent cosmic acceleration
Qualitative behaviour of solutions
The zero back–reaction analytic approximation
Null geodesics and observable quantities
Cosmological redshift
Luminosity and angular diameter distances
Numerical example
Averaging the optical equations
The CMB and resolution of observational anomalies
Primordial nucleosynthesis bounds and the baryon fraction
Average spatial curvature
Recalibration of the early universe: recombination and decoupling
Fitting the first Doppler peak in the CMB anisotropy spectrum
Anomalies in large angle CMB multipoles
Expansion age and structure formation
The Hubble bubble and scale of homogeneity
Variance in the Hubble constant
Local Hubble flow
Dynamics of galaxy clusters
Corrections within finite infinity domains
Traversal of voids
Primordial inflation and the origin of inertia
Particle horizon volume selection bias and cosmic variance
Cosmic perturbations and cosmic evolution
Mach’s principle
10. Discussion
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