
Three Gram-positive, rod-shaped, oxidase-negative, non-spore-forming, non-motile bacteria (KSS-3Se(T), KSS-4Se and KSS-10Se) were isolated from a coolant lubricant. 16S rRNA gene sequence analyses revealed almost identical sequences, with only a few (<10 positions) differences for these three isolates. Comparisons showed the highest similarities to Corynebacterium pilosum NCTC 11862(T) (97.6 % similarity with strain KSS-3Se(T)). Similarities with other established Corynebacterium species were lower than 97.0 %. Chemotaxonomic data studied for strain KSS-3Se(T) [polar lipids - major compounds phosphatidylglycerol and an unknown glycolipid, moderate amounts of phosphatidylinositol and diphosphatidylglycerol; polyamines (small amounts) - major compounds spermidine and spermine; quinones - significant amounts of menaquinones MK-9(H(2)), MK-8(H(2)) and MK-7(H(2)); and major fatty acids - tuberculostearic acid (10-methyl C(18 : 0)), C(16 : 0) and C(18 : 1)omega9c] were congruent with those reported for Corynebacterium. The strain showed differences in phenotype from C. pilosum. DNA-DNA hybridizations between KSS-3Se(T) and C. pilosum DSM 20521(T) yielded a relatedness of 22.9 % (20.4 % in the reciprocal assay). From these results, it is evident that the organisms represent a novel species, for which the name Corynebacterium lubricantis sp. nov. is proposed (type strain KSS-3Se(T) =DSM 45231(T) =CCUG 56567(T) =CCM 7546(T)).

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