
Early adversity can cause malfunction of the visual system in adulthood. Adult female but not male mice undergoing early chronic mild stress (ECMS) maintain ocular dominance (OD) plasticity after the critical period. How early stressful experiences have a long-term impact on it is largely unknown. Here, we observed a wide distribution of corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF)-positive neurons, which mainly colocalized with a subpopulation of GABAergic interneurons in the mouse primary visual cortex (V1). Optogenetic activation of CRF-positive neurons transfected with AAV-ChR2 evoked inhibitory currents in nearby pyramidal cells. ECMS induced a reduction in the expression of CRF mRNA in adult mouse V1. Chemogenetic activation of V1 CRF neurons impaired OD plasticity in adult ECMS females. We further showed that local administration of the corticotropin releasing factor receptor 1 (CRFR1) antagonist via an osmotic minipump into the visual cortex mimicked OD plasticity in adult ECMS females. Whole-cell recording in layer 2/3 pyramidal neurons revealed that the CRFR1 antagonist reduced the short-term depression (STD) of evoked inhibitory postsynaptic current (IPSC) in females but not in males. Likewise, CRF agonists have the opposite effect. In summary, our findings indicate that the local CRF-CRFR1 system within V1 may mediate the long-term and sex-dependent effect of early stress experiences on visual plasticity and provide a target for the prevention of visual deficits in adults with a history of early-life adversity.

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