
Isolated aldosterone synthase deficiency may result in life-threatening salt-wasting and failure to thrive. The condition involves hyperkalemia accompanying hyponatremia. Two types of aldosterone synthase deficiency may be observed depending on hormone levels: corticosterone methyl oxidase type 1 (CMO 1) and CMO 2. Herein, we describe a Turkish infant patient with aldosterone synthase deficiency who presented with failure to thrive and salt wasting but with normal potassium levels. Urinary steroid characteristics were compatible with CMO I deficiency. Diagnosis of aldosterone synthase deficiency was confirmed by mutational analysis of the CYP11B2 gene which identified the patient as homozygous for two mutations: c.788T>A (p.Ile263Asn) and c.1157T>C (p.Val386Ala). Family genetic study revealed that the mother was heterozygous for c.788T>A and homozygous for c.1157T>C and the father was heterozygous for both c.788T>A and c.1157T>C. To the best of our knowledge, this is only the second Turkish case with a confirmed molecular basis of type 1 aldosterone synthase deficiency. This case is also significant in showing that spot urinary steroid analysis can assist with the diagnosis and that hyperkalemia is not necessarily part of the disease.

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