
Glucocorticoids and mineralocorticoid are contributors to the corticosteroid hormone family, synthesized in the adrenal gland from the precursor sterol LDL cholesterol using the intermediate pregnenolone. Cortisol is an indispensable glucocorticoid in humans (in rodents, corticosterone), and aldosterone is an important mineralocorticoid. Cortisol and aldosterone share a time-honored synthesis pathway, are structurally similar, and exhibit a degree of cross-receptor affinity and function. Nevertheless, small variations in structure permit critical variants in physiological functions. Aldosterone classically acts via the mineralocorticoid receptor (MR) to promote sodium transport in the kidney and gut, thereby regulating long-term electrolyte homeostasis and blood stress control. Cortisol, via comparison, is well known for a sizeable range of metabolic and stress-related responses

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