
Previous studies have shown that neurons in layer 6 of V1 are activated by visual stimuli that induce perceptual filling-in at the blind spot (BS). As the main target of layer 6 neurons is the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN), we speculate that the cortico-geniculate projection is involved in mediating filling-in at BS. To begin to test that hypothesis, we examined whether there is an anatomical basis for integration of visual signals from both sides of BS by cortico-geniculate feedback neurons in V1. We injected an anterograde tracer into a site adjacent to the region representing BS. We observed that numerous axons traverse the neuron-free gap that retinotopically corresponds to BS within LGN. This indicates that visual signals from one side of BS are conveyed to the opposite side via a feedback connection. Cortico-geniculate feedback projection may integrate visual signals from around BS and contribute to perceptual filling-in at BS.

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