
BACKGROUND: Music can affect the human brain and qEEG with its sub-second resolution can be used to study brain activity. The North Indian classical music’s (NICM) effect on brain activity is largely undiscovered. OBJECTIVE: To find out the cortical sources activated along with the autonomic nervous system response while listening to NICM. Methods: 30 Indian subjects (Mean age- 26.1 and (SD) - 1.4 years) were asked to listen to 4 NICM ragas of 5 minutes each with increasing minor note to major note ratio i.e., M1(0), M2(0.16), M3(0.4), M4(1.33).128 channel of EEG signal was recorded which was preprocessed and cortical source localization was done using sLORETA.The autonomic nervous system response while listening to each music excerpt was assessed using Heart Rate Variability parameters by measuring lead II electrocardiography. RESULTS: The cortical sources analysis showed increased activation in cortical regions associated with the extraction of acoustic features of music (superior, middle, and inferior temporal gyruses in addition to fusiform and supramarginal gyrus), emotion generation (precuneus and inferior frontal gyri) and Default Mode Network (posterior cingulate cortex, medial prefrontal cortex, and inferior parietal lobule) while listening to M1. There was a decreased activation in these areas while listening to M2, M3 & M4 (as the minor notes increased).The mean heart rate was significantly higher while listening to M4. There was a reduction in HF while listening to M4 and M3.There was a significant decrease in RMSSD while listening to M4 as compared to the resting state. CONCLUSION: Music can affect brain activity and autonomic function. Music with major notes causes activation of DMN areas causing mind wandering and self-referential mental activity than music with minor notes which decreases DMN activity.In terms of autonomic function increase in minor notes caused decrease in RMSSD and HF signifying an increase in stress and reduced parasympathetic tone. The authors declare no competing interest. The study was approved by the Institutional Review Board (IRB). No Grant was used. This is the full abstract presented at the American Physiology Summit 2024 meeting and is only available in HTML format. There are no additional versions or additional content available for this abstract. Physiology was not involved in the peer review process.

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