
The massive feedback projections from cortex to the thalamus modulate sensory information transmission in many ways. We investigated the role of corticothalamic feedback projections on the directional selectivity (angular tuning) of neurons in the rat ventral posterior medial (VPM) nucleus to stimulation of their principal whisker. The angular tuning properties of single VPM neurons were compared before and after epochs of electrical stimulation of layer VI feedback neurons in the ipsilateral cortex under urethane anesthesia. Microstimulation of layer VI in "matched" (homologous) barrel columns sharpens the angular tuning curves of single VPM neurons that are tuned to the same direction as the stimulation site in the cortex. Further, microstimulation rotates the angular preference of VPM neurons initially tuned to a different direction toward the direction that cortical neurons prefer. Stimulation in "mismatched" (nonhomologous) barrel columns suppresses responses without consistent effects on angular tuning. We conclude that the primary sensory cortex exerts a significant influence on both spatial and angular tuning maps in the relay nuclei that project to it. The results suggest that the tuning properties of VPM cells in the behaving animal are continually modified to optimize perception of the most salient incoming messages.

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