
Visual perception is the product of serial hierarchical processing, parallel processing, and remapping on a dynamic network involving several topographically organized cortical visual areas. Here, we will focus on the topographical organization of cortical areas and the different kinds of visual maps found in the primate brain. We will interpret our findings in light of a broader representational framework for perception. Based on neurophysiological data, our results do not support the notion that vision can be explained by a strict representational model, where the objective visual world is faithfully represented in our brain. On the contrary, we find strong evidence that vision is an active and constructive process from the very initial stages taking place in the eye and from the very initial stages of our development. A constructive interplay between perceptual and motor systems (e.g., during saccadic eye movements) is actively learnt from early infancy and ultimately provides our fluid stable visual perception of the world.

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