
The parietal reach region (PRR) in the medial bank of the macaque intraparietal sulcus has been a subject of considerable interest in research aimed at the development of brain-controlled prosthetic arms, but its anatomical organization remains poorly characterized. We examined the anatomical organization of the putative PRR territory based on myeloarchitecture and retrograde tracer injections. We found that the medial bank includes three areas: an extension of the dorsal subdivision of V6A (V6Ad), the medial intraparietal area (MIP), and a subdivision of area PE (PEip). Analysis of corticocortical connections revealed that both V6Ad and MIP receive inputs from visual area V6; the ventral subdivision of V6A (V6Av); medial (PGm, 31), superior (PEc), and inferior (PFG/PF) parietal association areas; and intraparietal areas AIP and VIP. They also receive long-range projections from the superior temporal sulcus (MST, TPO), cingulate area 23, and the dorsocaudal (area F2) and ventral (areas F4/F5) premotor areas. In comparison with V6Ad, MIP receives denser input from somatosensory areas, the primary motor cortex, and the medial motor fields, as well as from visual cortex in the ventral precuneate cortex and frontal regions associated with oculomotor guidance. Unlike MIP, V6Ad receives stronger visual input, from the caudal inferior parietal cortex (PG/Opt) and V6Av, whereas PEip shows marked emphasis on anterior parietal, primary motor, and ventral premotor connections. These anatomical results suggest that MIP and V6A have complementary roles in sensorimotor behavior, with MIP more directly involved in movement planning and execution in comparison with V6A.

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