
Corruption in the management of village finances is an action that can harm both the finances and the economy of the state or the village. Therefore, village officials must receive guidance on clean and corruption-free governance, collusion and nepotism. In this regard, the role of the community is needed to exercise social control over the practice of government. This article aims to address the management of village finances based on legislation, the factors that make corruption prevention important, and the role of the community in corruption prevention through legal training for cadres in Galang Suka Village, Deli Sedang Regency. This study uses normative and empirical legal research that is expected to produce academic studies that are useful for governance, especially in the prevention of corruption in Galang Suka Village, Deli Sedang Regency. This research is conducted in two stages. First, conducting a study of normative law. Second, conducting a study on the implementation of regulations on village financial management. The results of the study indicate that the Deli Serdang Regency Government has implemented several policies, including a large budget allocation, fixed income and allowances for the head and village officials. The factors that cause corruption in village funds are the lack of community involvement in the planning and supervision of village funds. Community participation in overseeing the use of village funds is one of the keys to the success of utilizing village funds.

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