
Corruption is a Threat to Good Governance - In order to understand the concept of good governance we have to understand the meaning of governance. What is governance? It has been defined as the use of power and authority by those in government to provide good and services to the people to uphold the common good and fulfill the aspirations and needs of the common man. Governance therefore is concerned with the power, strategies, policy, plans and projects that are aim at improving the substance and quality of life. The people expect that there government to proceed with its task in a way that maximum results will follow from less investment. Governance becomes good when the decisions and action of the government are based on people’s consent, legitimacy and accountability. Thus good governance is concerned with high quality in governance. All sections of the society judge their government by their governance.What is corruption? Now question comes what corruption is? Virtually the word ‘Corruption’ comes from the Latin word (corruptus) that means to Break .Its literally meaning is broken object. In real sense corruption is a form of behaviour, which departs from ethics, morality, traditional law and civic virtual. The Transparency International a great NGO of German, views corruption as the use of one’s public position for illegitimate private or Individual gains. Abuse of power and personal gain, however can occur in both the public and private concern and many often in collusion with individuals from both sectors.SUGGESTIONS: Corruption which has gone deep into our social and political life cannot be removed very easily. In fact it can only be reduced or minimized and can hardly be stopped altogether. Both preventive and punitive measures will have to be taken. Preventive action must include administrative, legal, social, economic and educative measures.•Role of Civil Society - Civil Society plays an important role in giving voice to the concerns of citizen and rendering services that meet people’s needs. Good governance requires a strong civil society to participate in public affairs because they act as a mediator between government and citizens.•Role of Information Communication and Technology (ICT) - ICT plays an important role in disseminating governmental information through internet. Therefore internet facilities should be extended to urban and village areas so that people can get a lot of information on every individuals working in both public and private sectors and every work can be done effectively on net.•Right to Information Act 2005 plays an important role in good governance. The greater is the assess of citizen to information, the greater the responsiveness of government to community needs. Correct information demands accountability and transparency and people will be able to choose efficient candidate for election which is a primary requirement of good governance. All the public officials are bound to give correct information. The deviation from it is an offense for which stringent punishment should be there.•The whistle blower bill is an effective mechanism to solve the problem of corruption and it needs a strong enforcement of it.CONCLUSION: By way of summing up it is said that good governance can be possible only when corruption is uprooted from the society. The corrupt persons, corrupt politicians, Corrupt executives, corrupt judges, corrupt technocrat, who are getting maximum regard at present should be socially boycotted and black listed for their life time. They should not be allowed to serve to our holy independent nation. Then only good governance can be possible and common mass will enjoy the taste of life, taste of freedom, taste of independence and India will grow more and more and it can be easily converted to a developed nation. All these social changes can be possible by enacting forceful law with severe punishment and implementing in a right manner.

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