
Corruption is one of the main causes of social and economic instability of Russia. Recent sensational corruption scandals (cases of A.N. Ilyushenko, the former head of the Central Investigation Department of the Investigation Committee; General D.P. Dovgiy, the former Minister of Economic Development; A. Ulyukaevwho was sentenced in December 2017, etc.) are indicative of sharp rise in corruption of public officials. The article aims to analyze causes and factors of corruption relations in economic, education, political and healthcare systems. The research object is public and social interests. The article studies political, economic and legal factors influencing the commitment of corruption-related crimes. The author suggests adopting a special anti-corruption act and creating an independent body which will enforce this law. The author believes that it is necessary to eliminate corruption of public officials, to create conditions, under which people will not commit corruption-related crimes, give bribes for those services which are free by law, search for sources of illegal income, etc. The causes of corruption are both legal nihilism and human irresponsibility. Unwillingness of some people to take pot-luck deprives hundreds of other people’s opportunities to have things they are eligible to. It is difficult to eliminate corruption as far as corruptionists are in all public bodies of Russia. The topicality of the present study is due to the expansion of corruption and need for development of anti-corruption measures. To identify the nature of corruption and develop efficient anti-corruption measures, research on this phenomenon should be carried out.

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