
Caustic ingestion is associated with long-term sequelae like esophageal stricture, gastric cicatrization, and long-term risk of dysplasia or even carcinoma. However, only a few small studies have explored histopathological aspects of caustic-induced esophageal/gastric injury. We retrospectively evaluated specimens of patients undergoing surgery due to caustic ingestion-related complications from 2008 to 2020. Pathological examination was conducted by two independent gastro-pathologists to evaluate the extent and depth of the caustic injury, presence or absence of tissue necrosis, type and degree of inflammation, or presence of any dysplastic cells. A total of 54 patients underwent surgical exploration during the inclusion period and complete details of 39 specimens could be retrieved. The mean age of the included patients was 28.66 ± 9.31 years and 25 (64.1%) were male. The majority of patients (30; 76.9%) had a history of caustic ingestion more than three months before the surgery and the presence of long or refractory stricture was the most common indication for the surgery (20; 51.28%). In the resected specimen, a majority of patients had superficial esophageal or gastric ulcer (90.6%; 60.0%), transmural inflammation (68.8%; 65.6%), transmural fibrosis (62.5%; 34.4%), and hypertrophied muscularis mucosa (78.13%; 53.3%). However, none of the patients had dysplasia in the resected esophageal or gastric specimens. Caustic ingestion leads to mucosal ulceration, transmural inflammation, and transmural fibrosis which might be the reason for refractory stricture in such patients.

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