
CorrigendumCorrigendumPublished Online:01 Mar 2011https://doi.org/10.1152/jn.z9k-0648-corr.2011Original articleMoreSectionsPDF (623 KB)Download PDF ToolsExport citationAdd to favoritesGet permissionsTrack citations ShareShare onFacebookTwitterLinkedInEmailWeChat Volume 104, December 2010 Telenczuk et al. Role of neuronal synchrony in the generation of evoked EEG/MEG responses. J Neurophysiol 104: , 2010; doi:10.1152/jn.00138.2010; http://jn.physiology.org/content/104/6/3557.full.We now substitute the original incorrect Fig. 2 with the corrected figure and accompanying legend. The results and conclusions of this study stand.Fig. 2.Schematic illustration of ongoing neuronal activity and evoked responses generated by means of recruitment of additional oscillators (top, I), microscopic phase reset in an asynchronous population (middle, II), and in a synchronous population (bottom, III). Neuronal recruitment. Ia: schematic representation of a small subpopulation of continuously oscillating neuronal sources (ongoing sources, red cells) and sources that are silent before the onset of the stimulus (transient sources, blue cells). The phases of ongoing sources are random (filling color reflects the instantaneous phase of the oscillation) corresponding to an uniform distribution on a unit circle (polar plot: the angle of each vector encodes the phase of oscillation in a single source, the colored background depicts the mapping of phases to the cells' color shading). Ib: oscillations produced by ongoing (red lines) and transient (blue lines) sources before stimulation. Before the stimulation, no significant ensemble macroscopic activity is observed (thick black line, single trial, not in scale with microscopic activity). Ic: an external stimulus (dashed line denotes stimulus onset) activates the transient sources that produce coherent oscillations that are visible in the ensemble activity (thick black line). Id: schematic representation of the microscopic sources in the poststimulus period (t = 20, for the symbol description, see Ia). The responses to the stimulation are associated with activation of the additional pool of neurons (blue cells) with a narrow distribution of phases (polar plot, blue vectors). Microscopic phase-reset in an asynchronous population. IIa–IId: all labels and symbols in this and following panels are consistent with I. Although prestimulus activity (IIa and IIb) and the macroscopic response (IIc, thick black line) are identical to the neuronal recruitment scenario, the effects of the stimulation are essentially different: here, the transient sources remain silent (IIc, blue lines), but instead the ongoing sources become coherent (IIc, red lines; IId, red vectors in the polar plot), thus summing up constructively to produce visible macroscopic response. Microscopic phase-reset in a synchronized population. IIIa–IIId: the mechanisms of stimulus response are identical to scenario II, but here the ongoing sources are spontaneously synchronized before the stimulation (IIIa). The subsequent stimulation results neither in further increase of the synchrony (compare IIIa with IIId) nor in the consequent change of the amplitude of macroscopic oscillations (compare IIIb with IIIc, thick black line). Nevertheless, the poststimulus macroscopic oscillation is aligned to the stimulus onset independent of its initial phase (note the phase reset at stimulus onset). In all panels, for simplicity, we do not show the slow decay of macroscopic amplitude caused by return of transient sources back to their quiescent state (I) or desynchronization of ongoing sources (II and III).Download figureDownload PowerPointThis article has no references to display. Download PDF Previous Back to Top Next FiguresReferencesRelatedInformationRelated articlesRole of Neuronal Synchrony in the Generation of Evoked EEG/MEG Responses 01 Dec 2010Journal of Neurophysiology More from this issue > Volume 105Issue 3March 2011Pages 1422-1423 Copyright & PermissionsCopyright © 2011 the American Physiological Societyhttps://doi.org/10.1152/jn.z9k-0648-corr.2011History Published online 1 March 2011 Published in print 1 March 2011 Metrics

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