
Jamieson, G. A., & Skraaning, G. (2017). Levels of automation in human factors models for automation design: Why we might consider throwing the baby out with the bathwater. Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making. Advance online publication. (Original DOI: 10.1177/1555343417732856) Kaber, D. B. (2017). Reflections on commentaries on “Issues in human–automation interaction modeling.” Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making. Advance online publication. (Original DOI: 10.1177/1555343417749376) In the OnlineFirst version of the article “Levels of Automation in Human Factors Models for Automation Design: Why We Might Consider Throwing the Baby Out With the Bathwater,” published in this issue, the last line of Table 1 listed a value of “–1” in the SA column. This should be “1.” The erroneous value was referred to in the OnlineFirst version of the article “Reflections on Commentaries on ‘Issues in Human–Automation Interaction Modeling.’” Both have been corrected for the online and print versions of the articles.

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