
James, R.R. (2012). Wind Turbine Infra and Low-Frequency Sound: Warning Signs That Were Not Heard. Bulletin of Science, Technology & Society, 32(2): 108-127. (Original doi: 10.1177/0270467611421845 ) In this article, on page 118, text is missing the quotes and the reference to the page of book is incomplete and not in the correct location. Please see the revised paragraph with the changes: “Multiple wind turbines complicate matters further. From relatively long distances, an assembly of machines appears as a point source . . .” “Closer to the turbines, they begin to act as a line source. The decay rate for line sources is 3-dB, not 6 dB for true spherical propagation.” (p.379, Wind Energy Coming of Age) The standard wind turbine computer model used to estimate sound levels for wind Project assumes “Spherical Propagation” not “Line Propagation” even though turbines are arranged in rows. This error means that the tables of sound levels and the contour maps grossly underestimate the true impact of the sounds on adjacent properties located along the rows.

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