
Users: The Challenge of the Deterministic Construal Error.Front. Comput. Sci. 2:590232. doi: 10.3389/fcomp.2020.590232 In the published article, there was an error in Figure 1b and Figure 1f as published. The definition in Figure 1b read "There is an 80% chance that the daytime high will be equal to or greater than 44F and equal to or less than or equal to 38F." The definition was partly in error and should have read, "80% chance that the daytime high will be between 44F and 38F." The nighttime low temperature bar was colored yellow. It should have been blue.The definition in Figure 1f was a frequency version reading, "On 8 out of 10 days like this, the observed temperature will fall between these two values". It should have been a probabilistic version, "80% chance that the daytime high will be between 44F and 38F" to align to the other probabilistic versions used in this figure.In addition, we added a Note to the caption to inform readers that small changes in font and figure sizes were made to the versions published here to conform to journal requirements.The corrected Figure 1 and its caption [Figure 1. Predictive intervals, each accompanied by a key (shown in a) describing "41°F" as the "best forecast." Note: Font and figure sizes are slightly smaller than they were in the original experiments to conform to journal requirements] appear below.

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