
An error was made in the first paragraph of Materials and Methods on page 7451 (error in italics; correction in bold). The sentence “Each farm owner signed a contract to participate in the project and was paid a project fee based on the number of employees on the farm” should read “Each farm owner signed a contract to participate in the project and paid a project fee based on the number of employees on the farm.” The authors regret the error. Evaluation by employees of employee management on large US dairy farmsJournal of Dairy ScienceVol. 101Issue 8PreviewEmployees, many of whom are not native English speakers, perform the majority of work on large US dairy farms. Although management of employees is a critical role of dairy owners and managers, factors that improve employee engagement and retention are not well known. Objectives were to (1) identify key dairy farm employee management issues based on employee perceptions, (2) evaluate strengths and weaknesses of farms based on employee responses, (3) investigate differences between Latino and English-speaking employees, and (4) investigate differences in perception between employers and employees. Full-Text PDF Open Access

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