
Hunting is commonly used to reduce overabundant deer populations that are of socioeconomic and ecological concerns. Recently, it has been suggested that “hunting for fear” might help maximize nonconsumptive effects of hunting and their cascading impacts. We investigated how a predator-free black-tailed deer (Odocoileus hemionus sitkensis Merriam, 1898) population introduced to the Haida Gwaii archipelago (Canada) responded to short-term hunting for fear. We conducted a hunt that minimized killing and maximized scaring on an island where some deer were marked. Between control and hunted sites, we compared deer use of bait stations and of shoreline areas (i.e., an open and risky area that provided marine subsidies). We also compared the browsing pressure and growth of two grasses and two shrubs. Hunting for fear had no effect on the overall use of bait stations and shorelines. However, in the area exposed to hunting, unmarked deer, which were assumed to be less tolerant of human disturbance, avoided bait st...

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