
The authors would like to correct Figure 4 as follows: 1) The correct label for the vertical axis in Figure 4b is “Overpotential/mV” instead of “Overpotential/V” . Accordingly, the Tafel slopes of the samples also needed to be corrected. The calculated Tafel slopes and the orginal LSV curves are provided in Figure 4b. 2) We wrongly labeled the vertical axis title in Figure 4d as “E (V vs. RHE)”. In reality, the chronoamperometric testing monitored the current density decay of the working electrode at a constant potential. Hence, the correct label for the vertical axis is “Current density (j/mA cm−2).” Figure 4 and the corresponding figure caption are rectified as follows: Figure 4. (a) LSVs with a sweep rate of 5 mV s−1 for PBA, HPMo and PBA@POM; (b) Tafel plots in the linear regions for PBA, HPMo and PBA@POM; (c) the raw LSV curve (no iR compensation) and the real LSV curve (95 % iR compensation) of P3. (d) Chronoamperometric testing of P3 for 18 h at 1.67 V in 1.0 M KOH solution. These corrections do not affect the experimental conclusion.

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