
Corrigendum on: full citation of the original version of the article.In the original article, we neglected to include the funder the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education programme "PMW", Grant No. 5170/INTERREG BSR/2020/2 to Rita Góralska-Walczak and Renata Kazimierczak. The authors apologize for this error and state that this does not change the scientific conclusions of the article in any way. The original article has been updated.Elements to be corrected:The research for this publication received funding from the Interreg BSR program financed by the European Regional Development Fund with financial support from the Russian Federation (StratKIT project, R088, 2019-2021). Section 1 extends and disseminates the findings of StratKIT. In addition, the data in other sections utilizes the stakeholder contacts obtained during the project's events. Authors UAK, RGW, EP, RK, EF, VM, and MM are actively involved as partners in the StratKIT project, and AP is an associated partner. The study was published with the contribution of the international project co-financed by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education programme "PMW" in 2020-2021; Grant No. 5170/INTERREG BSR/2020/2. The funding sources had no role in the design, analysis, or writing of this article.

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