
To the Article Indication, Classes, Numbers, Validation, by A. N. White-head, Vol. XLIII, N.S., No. 171. Some misprints in the symbolrm of my article mast, I fear, make the whole unintelligible, apart from the following corrections. The proofs arrived from across the Atlantic on the day when I was overtaken by a dangerous illness which has incapacitated me for work during three months. Thus there has been no opportunity for autho-'s proof-corrections. I am obliged to the courtesy of the Editor for the belated insertion of these corrigenda:— P. 286. Def. I, replace (φ) by (∃3φ) P. 286. Def. II, replace 1st occurrence of p ∪ qbyp ⊂ g. P. 286. Def. III, replace Ec! x ∪ p by Ec x ⊂ p. P. 286 Def. IV, replace α ∪ p by α ⊂ p. P. 286 Four lines below, replace Ec! x ∪ Ec ! xby Eo x ⊂ Ec! x P. 287. Lines 2 and 4, replace (∃γ) by (τγ). P. 287. Def. VIII, replace (∃α) by (τα). P. 287. Last line but one, replace αℵo by 2ℵ, P. 291. Def. XXIII, replace (∃S) by (τS). P. 292. Def. XXVII, end of 2nd line, replacexyby φy. P. 292. Def. XXVIII, replace (∃c) by (τc) P. 292. Def. XXVIII, replace α ∪ c by α ⊂ c. P. 292. Def. XXIX, replace φ(1, 0) by α, ⊂ c). P. 292. Def. XXIX, replace (u + cm, v + c1) by φ(u + cm, v + c1). P. 293. Def. XXXI, replace (∃x) by (τx). P. 293. Line 8, replace ∪ by ⊂. P. 293. Def. XXXIV, replace (∃x) by (τx). P. 294. Lines 1 and 5, replace φ by Q.

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