
The aim of this paper was to compare several in-vivo electrophysiological (EP) characteristics measured in a swine model of chronic infarct, with those predicted by simple 3-D MRI-based computer models built from ex-vivo scans (voxel size <1 mm(3)). Specifically, we recorded electroanatomical voltage maps (EAVM) in six animals, and ECG waves during induction of arrhythmia in two of these cases. The infarct heterogeneities (dense scar and border zone) as well as fiber directions were estimated using diffusion weighted DW-MRI. We found a good correspondence (r = 0.9) between scar areas delineated on the EAVM and MRI maps. For theoretical predictions, we used a simple two-variable macroscopic model and computed the propagation of action potential after application of a train of stimuli, with location and timing replicating the stimulation protocol used in the in-vivo EP study. Simulation results are exemplified for two hearts: one with noninducible ventricular tachycardia (VT), and another with a macroreentrant VT (for the latter, the average predicted VT cycle length was 273 ms, compared to a recorded VT of 250 ms).

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