
Condensation nucleation light scattering detection in principle works by converting the effluent of the chromatographic separation into an aerosol and then selectively evaporating the mobile phase, leaving less volatile analytes and nonvolatile impurities as dry aerosol particles. The dry particles produced are then exposed to an environment that is saturated with the vapors of an organic solvent (commonly n-butanol). The blend of aerosol particles and organic vapor is then cooled so that conditions of vapor supersaturation are achieved. In principle, the vapor then condenses onto the dry particles, growing each particle (ideally) from as small as a few nanometers in diameter into a droplet with a diameter up to about 10 μm. The grown droplets are then passed through a beam of light, and the light scattered by the droplets is detected and used as the detector response. This growth and detection step is generally carried out using commercial continuous-flow condensation nucleus counters. In the present research, the possibility of using other fluids than the commonly used n-butanol is investigated. The Kelvin equation and the Nucleation theorem [Anisimov et al. (1978)] are used to evaluate a range of fluids for efficacy of growing small particles by condensation nucleation. Using the available experimental data on vapor nucleation, the correlations of Kelvin diameters (the critical embryo sizes) and the bulk surface tension with dielectric constants of working liquids are found. A simple method for choosing the most efficient fluid, within a class of fluids, for growth of small particles is suggested.

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